How did we adventure before Google Maps? Haha Okay so that may have dated how old I am, but I have to say how very thankful I am for technology in the palm of my hand, and online resources for advanced trip planning. Did you know that if you are an avid user of Google maps for your travels, you can become a Google Guide?
This is another edition of my Travel Adventures Series blog. Sign-up to receive each new blog post delivered conveniently to your inbox when they arrive!
How it began
I started with Google mostly through Gmail in college, back when you had to be invited by an existing user to get an account (yes, that was a thing). That explains why early adventures like my trip to Puerto Rico didn’t make the star chart of my North America explorations featured in my cover photo.
Even James and my first cross-country road trip from Idaho to Washington, DC didn’t yet make the debut on my maps, though there were lots of adventures had!
What are my favorite ways to use Google Maps and other sites for adventure planning and execution? Keep reading for more.
Google Maps

What other travel adventure planning tips are my absolutes to find these gems? I share them all here!
You can completely customize this to set up favorites, places you want to go, places you have been, and even create custom lists. I've used this for instance when we moved to a new state and I planned out local businesses that we wanted to visit.
How it's going, I'm a Guide!

We all know social media has gone bonkers, so it's been a fun new platform to use to share stories and connect with other Local Guides from all around the world.
The Local Guides community on Google Maps has been rocking together for a full five years now. If you are on there, find me!

I recently discovered that they give out prizes! What?! That is awesome.
You Know You Have Arrived When...

Yes, my very own pair of Local Guides Special Edition Socks. I mean, clearly they at least know that I am out adventuring often and might benefit from some cool new socks for my next journey.

And I do love cats (not as much as unicorns, but still a lot). Unless you consider the cat unicorn lego, but that really isn't a fair comparison...

Stay tuned for Part 2 in the Google Guide Adventures series! In the meantime, check out all of the other travel blogs here and find inspiration for your next adventure.
Do you have any special socks or other items that were earned and can't be purchased?
Tell me what they are!
Tell me what they are!
Information courtesy of Echo Schneider