Sustainable Living - Part 1

Sustainable Living - Part 1

So many of us want to live a sustainable life, but what exactly can that look like in #RealLife?  
We aren't out there hugging trees exactly, but most of us try to recycle and conserve where we can.  Let's start with some tips to help you have a greener home and of course, I'll give you my secrets for saving money while you're keeping your hands cleaner than ever!  

Water Bottles

We've all heard that disposable water bottles are no good for the environment.  But did you know that they are bad for your health as well?  From BPA exposure to microplastics, there are plenty of things to avoid in these containers.

So what are better options?  Make your water bottle fun!  Start with a stainless steel container so you can add fruits or Vitality essential oils in for great flavors and added health benefits.  Learn more about dietary essential oils on my blog here.  These can also keep your water colder longer if you prefer that, I do...

Next, spruce up your reusable water bottle to make it fun, something that reflects your personality and that you want to have around you.  I opted to find amazing vinyl printed stickers to support the arts with my decor; win, win!

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Featured stickers from Shanna Trumbly and NerdyHippie on my re-usable water bottle
I recently snagged some new colorful animals from Melinda over at WanderingArtsCraft on Etsy.  From my home state of Oregon, NerdyHippie brings us a unique mash-up of local animals and mountain ranges, paired and set to dreamy starscapes.  Lastly, my very favorite local artist is Shanna Trumbly whose whimsical scenes are inspirational!  "My paintings are a reminder that we all have access to a potent place within us where we are allowed to simply be." - Shanna  

This sounds like insight into a better life for all of us, thanks Shanna!  Check out how my friend Renee rolls with her hydration go-to bottles:

Read to the bottom for a simple recipe to make your own plant-based hand soap that will keep you above the wellness line and help your hands stay soft as you are washing them more than ever!  

How Does Hand Washing Offer A Way to Sustainability?

One of the ways we can think about sustainability and our health is to know what is in the products we use.  If they are chemical toxins, they are likely no good for our bodies or the environment.  We don't want to be pumping those into our water systems and waterways! 

What is the top offender to be on the lookout for?  Antibacterial hand soap.  Say what?!?  Perhaps the worst ingredient they contain is triclosan which was banned by the FDA in 2016, but still exists in many popular brands. <queue angry emoji>  Get the scoop in my video here.  Further, the FDA actually agrees it's best to skip antibacterial soaps#KickedToTheCurb

Now that we are washing our hands even more often (and maybe more at home than when we were out of our homes during the day), you may be finding your dispensers running out quickly. #SadFace

How can they be reused and refilled (for cheaper than buying a new bottle even)?  Did you know the plastic container can be the most expensive part?  Wow!  It's, time to learn about making your own foaming hand soap, it's so simple and so worth it.

Foaming Hand Soap Recipe

Let's start with why foaming versus liquid soap. The foaming version is more environmentally friendly because it can be used to lather without wetting the hands.  So water need only be used to rinse the soap away, which can reduce water usage during hand washing by up to 45%.  #Boom  

Look at all of these sad empty bottles, let's fill them up!  And if you aren't ready to make your own yet, I will share below how to buy a great one (and get three bottles out of one).

Add the soap base, essential oils, and coconut or vitamin E oil.  Gently swirl to combine.  Top off with water leaving enough head-room for the pump (they are larger than standard).

Buying Plant-Based Foaming Hand Soap
If you want to try out a pre-made option, check out the Thieves, Lavender or Lushious Lemon.  Each of these bottles come with really concentrated soap that can easily be stretched into three (remove 2/3 cup and replace with water).  

Use the same 1/3 cup hack to get 12 bottles out of the 32 oz Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill.  #Winning #ReducingWaste

Did you enjoy this info?  I think you would like my private Facebook community where we laugh, learn, and be crunchy together (with the occasional cheeseburger thrown in for good measure).  We call it Oatmeal, Not Quite Granola...

Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to a few select products I use, enjoy, or recommend.  I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links, and your purchase supports companies and products I believe in.

Information courtesy of Echo Schneider