Enjoy even more benefits by including the sense of smell
Of the five senses, our sense of smell is the most primitive. This sense is the one that is most closely associated with our emotions and how our bodies respond to them. And amazingly, certain smells are known to activate the limbic region of the brain and to release emotions that are stored there. Together with a balanced diet, nutrition, adequate exercise and water, adding aromatherapy to a time of centering prayer can help a person achieve a healthier, more balanced lifestyle as it helps to gently access the deeper, unconscious levels of physical and mental processing, including the release of habitual tensions, as well as emotional blocks.
Aromatherapy + prayer is the natural way to quickly bring your body back into balance as it helps to stimulate the emotional center of the brain (which God designed for us, by the way). The more the gifts of centering prayer and aromatic oils are used in conjunction with each other, the quicker a person is able to remain calm and relaxed even in stressful situations. I suggest a time set aside every morning, where you may experience, what I like to call, a love letter from God. In this short video you will experience a few minutes of Lectio Divina followed by a time of centering prayer with your chosen mantra.
Simple Ways to use Essential Oils
A simple way to use essential oils during prayer and meditation is to apply a couple of drops to the palms of your hands, rub them together, place your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe in deeply.
Frankincense (one of my favorites) is grounding and can be inhaled to calm the mind and bring a sense of focus and well-being. The composition of Frankincense oil is especially high in “monoterpenes” which are components that help to rewrite harmful information in the DNA of the cells like, signals inducing stress, fight or flight, cellular issues, or cellular memories related to trauma, injury, etc.
This gives us insight into why Frankincense has been revered for centuries as a good choice during times of prayer and spiritual practice. That makes sense to me. Think about it. Prayer and communion with God can bring healing, helping a person to better cope with the lies and stressors of life.
So much of our health stems from emotional and spiritual roots. When we take the time to address the stress and chaos of the mind and spirit, there are always physical benefits to come. This is undoubtedly why Frankincense is infamous for its overall benefits to the immune system, as well as, to that of regulating cellular activity. Suppose you have not yet tried incorporating Frankincense with prayer or a practice of stillness. In that case, this is an excellent way to dive into the emotional and spiritual uses of essential oils firsthand!
People have known this secret for thousands of years. Historically, frankincense was used for spiritual connection, immune support, cell regeneration, and was gifted to the baby Jesus. All the more reason to incorporate the aromatic oil of Frankincense into a daily practice of centering prayer. Want to learn more?